posted by Aerial
on Thu, 2012-10-04 19:36
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I want to join this server because I find it to be a very unique concept of redstone taken to the next level. I have always found redstone to be a fascinating item in Minecraft, and I am more than willing to make the best creations I can.
Past Redstone Experience:
-Redstone clock: Uses redstone memory to tell ingame time
-Piston door: A sandstone secret door using pistons
-Infinite circut: Two variations of redstone circuts that never stop
-Dunk tank: The player goes in a tank and stands on an extended piston. Another player has to shoot a pressure pad with an arrow to dunk the player
-Alarm system: Note block alarm system
-Potion lab: Dispenser coordinated lab that gives potion recepies and ingredients
-Multiple roller coasters
-Shower: A working piston shower with a piston door
-Zelda secret sound with note blocks: The Zelda secret treasure sound made of note blocks
-A custom music number: A short little song I made up with note blocks
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I am eager to join and hope you accept me, though I apologize for no links. It is hard to get the links out of the images and it would be easier if I could upload them. Apologies.
Application status: