Application 2982

marchjuly's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
The Redstone Development foundation is to popular. and too big for me. I do not like to go on high density servers like the RDF to often. I just discovered this server and wanted to work on redstone with somebody.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I was a member of the Redstone Development Foundation. I designed a way to have 3 redstone pulses through 1 wire at a very short distance. I am starting to work with wireless redstone. No mods. I have just finished a custom map that includes a redstone randomization unit without any clocks. And simpler than the one on the voxelbox
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I have come to this server to build off of what i know. I want to learn. And i want to be better wtih redstone. Not an all out genious ( all though that would be quite nice :)) but just able to work with redstone better than most other people. Most of the things i make with redstone are on either pvp servers or on worlds i lost when i got my new PC. So i have no links. (sorry)
Application status: 