Application 2995

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Well i was looking for some servers online on planet minecraft and some other sites but the servers there weren't really good . Eventually i found this one and it looked fun to play,build and learn on. I got the IP of the server and logged on and the other people were nice. I looked around the server for a bit and there was some really big contraptions that looked very cool and i would like to learn how they work and such so i decided to create a application.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have build some things like 2x2 hidden piston doors, a 7 segment display going up to f in hexadecimal, some BUD switches, double extenders, automatic farms and some other things. One of my favorite things that i built was a 1 wide T Flip Flop deluxe block swapper. I watch some other youtube videos sometimes some tutorials on machines but usually i like to build my own contraptions. I can't build anything really complicated but i hope i can sometime in the future.
Application status: 