Application 3001

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join as a second redstone community. Dont get me wrong, i LOVE the RDF, but, i would like to hang out with others somtimes.I think i would be a good edition because i am innovative and already highly experienced. :D
Past Redstone Experience: 
Like i said im a RDFer. I have made my own adders, ALUs, CPUs, GPUs, memory cells, and now a computer (almost done). i will describe a cpu because it should be extremely easy. so there are inputs that go into input registers so they only go into the ALU when the clockline fires. Once in the ALU it either adds, subtracts, ors, xors, ands, and so on. then it leads out to memory cells that have decoders to them that decide when you want to read or write to lines. The ram loops back to the inputs so it can get what is saved on these cells and redo the operation. it does this so you can quickly do the same operation so you dont have to keep sending them thru by hand. Also, you can add program memory which auto chooses using a binary to decimal decoder which memory lines to select, and/or what function to do.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
sorry for the link i posted talks bout this apps for RDF. it was my beginner app and please do not think this is all i can do :P. i have progressed a TON. but the RDF is down and all my work is on there so i shall show you enough to prolly get me as a learner on your server.
Application status: 