Application 3014

MasterCreate66's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to join this server so i can build redstone creations with other players. I like building creations in single player or with a few friends. But i would like to find a community that has people that play on the server often and i can build redstone creations with. I also would like to join this server because so far it looks like alot of people (not too many) play on the server and they are all nice and helpful. (BTW I like the rules of the server... and the admin Stym has a pretty cool name!! :P)/me
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have been playing minecraft since probably about right before the 1.3 update came out. I have always loved redstone. I loved the fact that I can use redstone to pretty much do anything i want. I can build a elevator or a door that only opens when all three switches are flipped or only 2 are flipped (via AND gates and NOT gates). When 1.8 or was it 1.7 (idk) when pistons were added to the game I started to fool around with minecraft "computers" (AKA has a screen) I first started with piston screens and really liked the things that i could perform with them. The first thing i started on was a computer that moved a pixel (4 sticky piston blocks pushing red wool blocks) around a 9x9 screen. The computer had 4 buttons and the buttons moved the block in the direction (up, down, left, right) of the button. I built this on a server called Wogburns world. I was an admin on this server and had started buiding this redstone device... when I left the server for a while to go on a bike ride..... and I got back... I saw that someone had blew up my whole computer :(. I have now restarted the computer on my own bukkit server. (but it hasn't been the same :( ) I hope on this server none of my redstone things will be griefed :P.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I own a server that a few friends play on :P. I love redstone :P And I am looking forward to playing on this server...
Application status: 