Application 3050

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I'm looking for a professional looking redstone server to start of on where i can input ideas and also learn new ways of doing things too. all the other servers i've found are poor... i want to talk to people who have the same interest as redstone as me and have more knowledge than just linking a AND gate to a door, i also would like to show people my ways of doing things and maybe teach them something new. I also want to learn new ways in which to compact creations as sometimes projects seem to get very big. i also want to improve the bit of knowledge i have of binary.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I know and have used most known logic gates in projects. i can make practical things such as piston doors, combo locks etc but also have made things like a 7 segment display, a basic RPS (Rock, Paper, Scissors) game, minecart storage system and a subway track system.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Thankyou for taking the time to read my application, hope to hear from use soon :).
Application status: 