posted by dartflames
on Sun, 2012-10-14 01:43
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Because I want to get better at redstone so I can create something I have an idea for but I don't have the knowledge necessary to complete my task at hand. Therefore I find the only way to get better at redstone is to go to a server that dedicated to redstone and learn from various people learning their methods to master them and incorporate them into my own designs. Even after I get really good I still wanna stay as if I ever do reach such a level of skill I will need help from people of redstone skill.
Past Redstone Experience:
I have 2 years of redstone experience although compared to what I've seen others do its mediocre. The best thing I've ever built was a porticullis gate. It Involve pistons that open and close a gate with the pistons on the top pushing down when closing and with the pistons on the bottom pushing sand up and pushing the pistons and fencing back in place and then retracted in a synced order. The bottom is the hardest part considering it uses a triple extender. All my other inventions I find are average compared to that. I also made an elevator once but it wasn't very good.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Well if I do happen to become good at redstone I wanna build an amusement park with various rides and such. The roller coaster will be easy but I plan on having more than a roller coaster.
Application status: