Application 3117

elRubixX's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I love to play around with redstone and too create 8 bit games or other funny stuff. I played Mc first when beta 1.3.1 was released and start building simple houses. from time to time i start to connect things with redstone and now I only build with redstone . I am searching a community who is active playing and who can show me some new things to do with redstone.
Past Redstone Experience: 
In my singleplayer wolrd I build things like a countdown or combination locks , but i also try to build some games like tic tac toe or "scissors stone paper" i know the basics but not the whole stuff The countdown : I connected a 2 7-Segment displays with a rom so i can controll the speed of the countdown and i can write the rom like i want , so it would be posiible to build a 10*10 pixel screen to woth this rom and draw some easy things.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I am sorry for every language mistake. I know my english is not the best :)
Application status: 
Not approved


Flandyn's picture

Los geth's im Deutsch :P Du hast die fragtest "Describe your personality" So nicht richtig :/ Deine alter und woher du kommst aus, ist nicht Personality/Personligkeit. Wir muss abilities, skills, was du kannst tun etc. Gehabt. Das ist personligkeit. Danke schön for eine probieren :)

By Flandyn
elRubixX's picture

ok thank you i will wright a new one :)

By elRubixX