posted by Made111
on Wed, 2012-10-17 18:03
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
on other servers oftn the people only want to kill others or grief thier buildings.i hope that the people that are on this server really want to have fun build something together
Past Redstone Experience:
yesterday i build an vertical mob sorting tower system that sorts spiders,zombies,blazes,cavespiders,skeletons and creepers.
i cant explane it here because i dont know how .
Application status:
Not approved
I hope i can join the server
I hope i can join the server soon :)
Denied :/
I am denying your application for following reasons:
1. This is to short, basically creates a hole in your application of infromation. There is more thing we should know.
2. Misunderstanding the questions. Personality doesn't have anything with where you are from. It is basically skills, abilities, what's good about you. What can you do? And then relate it to redstone minecraft.
3. Spelling errors and grammar. This is an international server, so communcation is important. When you are writing an application, then you are allowed to use all your time. But in the chat you would have to improvise. Basically, we need people with good english quality. This is because we can't teach people that we can't communicate with.
Thank you for applying anyways :) We wish you good luck if you were applying again later.