Application 3151

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
For quite some time now I have been interested in redstone trying to expand my knowledge on it, but was unable to find a sever that offered both creative and redstone so my search lead me to this one day I selecting the link to this server and I found that it’s just what I’ve been looking for with many people just as enthusiastic as I am.
Past Redstone Experience: 
In the last few days I have been working on a combo lock that uses the randomness of dispensers to change the password, and before that I was working on a series of traps evolving BUD switches, but what got me started was a sort of puzzle in the sense that you had to race through a tube whilst pistons were trying to kill you
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I am also a musician, i play the alto sax and the flute but that’s off topic. Please aprove
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

Close call, but you were saved by the picture :P

By Flandyn

Thanks dude

By craig98