posted by iBeWonkaHD
on Sun, 2012-10-21 20:50
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Currently, I am testing the design for my 3D printer. I would like to get other's opinions of it and receive input regarding what features that I should consider adding. I would like to be able to play with people that I can trust for good feedback from my work, and who have a deep understanding of redstone.
Past Redstone Experience:
I was in the clan 'wearensl' on youtube, that constantly built things in MC. I branched off and did my own series, as NSL Redstone. The videos of mine that got uploaded to the community channel got an amazing response, and I never looked back ever since. I have the perfect design for a stackable processor, and an innovative twist on practical functions. I do not seek to build the easy, or the common redstone contraption. Like I said before, I am in the process of finishing up my 3D printer and all is going well. On the YT channel, I had posted a tutorial of a vanilla slot machine which was purely my design. I have an extensive understanding of all of the logical components to redstone, and even created my own conditional unit for the printer.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
The videos that are linked are pretty OLD, and do not clearly demonstrate my current understanding of the mechanics of redstone. I hope you will take my optimism into consideration :D Thank you for taking the time to read this!
Application status:
P.S, I am also in the process of producing/directing a parody of the Maroon 5 song "Payphone", called "Redstone". So if anyone is interested at all in the process... Just message me :)