Application 3176

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I wish to join this server mostly so I have a place to learn how to create more advanced redstone creations and have the help of members who have experience in creating them. Once I get a lot better with redstone, I will try my best to help others with my knowledge, as I do with my programming knowledge.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have usually just created small things such as wheat farms and hidden doors or small traps(like speedy closing piston bridges or piston doors that shut behind you). I have created basics gates such as AND, OR, NOR, NOT, NAND, and things such as RS NOR and Toggle gates(for the piston doors). Other then the described, I don't have a massive amount of knowledge and that is why I wish to learn and use my knowledge to hopefully help others.
Application status: 