Application 3202

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I have been playing minecraft since waay before pistons even came out! When pistons came out, i realized these might be used for great things, so i started doing research into logic gates etc. before I knew it (after doing some tutorials) I was building all by my own, designing more and more complex systems. Sadly, the server i used to do this on went offline (Redstone Revolutions) And since then I havent been playing as much minecraft anymore... but I really hope to find another fun redstone server! I like that this server also has survival and creative! its like the old server I played on :)
Past Redstone Experience: 
I made a word-processor on Redstone Revolutions (abandoned server) It has all the information about my build right there I have made other things, but this is the machine im most proud of. Also on the last picture i included, there (left bottom) you will see a blue/yellow contraption encased in glass! This is a way of dispencing minecarts, without needing a pez dispencer, but still getting 1 minecart immediately after u press a button! It had a built in self-resetter that would make it so that you cannot spam the button faster than once every 2 seconds and alot of other features like this!
Application status: 


I didnt realize you guys still run on 1.3.2
I will downgrade tonight!

Anyone know a handy tool for easy down and upgrade? (as i want to be able to switch between 1.3 and 1.4! :)

thanks in advance!

By Raff666

I found a great tool for upgrading and downgrading!
I will be playing on this server today! :) see ya soon! (first some paperwork)

By Raff666