Application 3208

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i wanted to join this server because i am really good with redstone and am always looking for a chalenge. just the other day i finnished an ellipse/circle drawer (its alittle buggy) that was AN enourmous accomplishment for me and taught me a lot about where i can go. I understand logic really well along with binary and a few other numbering methods.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I am already a member of the RDF server. i have been around redstone and logic gates for a very long time. im good with making devices that really work. devices that are compact and are fast but are able to still function around bugs with pistons and other glitches. one of my latest creations was an ellipse/circle drawer (which i am working on Version 3 on the RDF). what it does is it takes a mid point along with R1 and R2, after receving all of theses inputs it can draw the ellipse by doing a lot of math. x2b2+y2a2–a2b2 = 0 (2) this means that the equation for the error calculation for the pixel is therefore: e = x2b2+y2a2–a2b2. The error of the next diagonal pixel x+1, y+1 makes: exy = (x+1)2b2+(y+1)2a2–a2b2 = e+(2x+1)b2+(2y+1)a2 . The error of the next pixel x+1 makes: ey = (x+1)2b2+y2a2–a2b2 = exy–(2y+1)a2 and for y+1: ex = x2b2+(y+1)2a2–a2b2 = exy –(2x+1)b2. (the 2s next to letters probably mean squaring it.... i got lazy and didnt feel like typing squared every time :3) ( the error value is the calculation required to plot the pixels)
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
at the moment the rdf is down and i couldnt log in to show off some of the builds ive been working on. feel free if you have an account to come on over and ill show you what ive done :D
Application status: 


Emilgardis's picture

Please use capital I.
Ex. I live in canada. ...but when I went outside the dog attacked me, and I got very scared.

By Emilgardis