posted by snivy1234567
on Sat, 2012-11-03 04:59

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
To bring my redstone abilities to its peak by learning all the tricks of the trade. The reason id like to join is because I've always had a intrest in redstone and I believe i'm at the best I can do with it on my own so im not afraid to ask for some help and maybe one day teach people about how to make these machines because I do it for fun not to get famous I will never exhibit my creations to the public just friends unless its a part of a tutorial.
Past Redstone Experience:
I'm do have basic redstone knowlege and my best creation was a Fire dragon boss battle which tracks your position by using a cave spider hidden underneath your floor and it has 3 attacks one of them is a magma slime spawn that uses a pig randomiser the middle is a fire breath attack that use a mine cart with detector rails while the third was a repeative arrow strike that use a pig to have one angle selected at a time then switches to the next one the pig steps on and the health is tracked by disappearing green wool that goes out of sight you hit it by using FVDiscos hit point innovation and does the cliche explosion at the end
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
The reason my skin is a cave spider is because it can be used in redstone
Application status:
Denied, because...
This is really on the edge. So I want you to coment on this application, with a bit better reason why you want to join ;)
sounds like some cool creation
Fine better reason to join cause I got lazy on the first one
The reason id like to join is because I've always had a intrest in redstone and I believe i'm at the best I can do with it on my own so im not afraid to ask for some help and maybe one day teach people about how to make these machines because I do it for fun not to get famous I will never exhibit my creations to the public just friends unless its a part of a tutorial