posted by psalmdogie
on Sun, 2012-11-04 00:14
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Because I really like redstone but some times I have problems that are really hard to fix but in this I can ask for help and also when I play on my worlds no one really sees them. I mean don't get me wrong its fun to build on my worlds but its not the same. Also on other creative servers not about redstone its not so important there. Also i'v been on the server and the people there are really nice. And I hope they can help me learn to be better at redstone and I hopefully help them.
Past Redstone Experience:
A bit of redstone teaching. Elevators auto farm(was easy). A changing maze that when over went back it was easy all i had to do was make a memory cell i think its called(i don't really known because i taught myself pretty much every thing i know about redstone)And lots more and at the moment I'm making a calculator
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Application status:
Not approved
Denied, because...
This is really on the edge sadly. You got a few spelling errors, and you really got a simple vocabulary and grammar. It doesn't mean it is necessery bad but a text that should tell a bit about your personality should contain atleast a few adverbs. At the same time, it is recommented to write 3 or more full lines per question. So I am really sorry it ended up like this.
i made...
a 6 bit cpu