posted by xxxddxxx
on Sun, 2012-11-04 16:10
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I want to join this server as I feel that this is an awesome community! I have seen some of the structures built in the server as a visitor, and I am truly impressed. I love redstone, and I want to learn and share with the rest of the community. I have seen computers, calculators, sometimes even a Windows simulator (not the whole Windows, sadly, only one app). I always wanted to build one, but it takes too long. Me and my friends tried to play through a server, but we had internet problems. Many other servers did not allow any redstone at all, but I found this server, completely based on redstone! I immediately felt a need to join this server and start building with my friends.
Past Redstone Experience:
I have built many creations. I started off with pressure plates and doors. But after a few years of minecraft, I have went through logic gates, password locks for chests ( a few pressure plates leading to logic gates with the password hard-coded into the circuitry, which then makes a piston pull a block away from the top of the chest so it opens), and piston elevators. I made quite a lot of redstone maps which I share with my friends, but I have not posted any up yet, as the aesthetics are bad. Some maps feature mob torture chambers, others giant metro networks (super rail tracks), some have lighthouses (pistons staggering to give a rotating effect), and at times slaughterhouses ( spawn pigs and pistons push them to their death, the other pistons push the loot off). I can count myself as experienced, though I may still have much to learn.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I am really amazed at the structures. They are awesome, even the broken ones still look great :)
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