Application 3240

liamsalter11's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I am such a fan of redstone. When I play Minecraft all I do usually is build with redstone. This server sounds like it would be perfect for me. I am looking for a friendly community that will accept all creative styles. I like to build screens that change pictures on minecraft. I have been working on a new model of one every day improving each time. I see that there are also a lot of these on this server. I would love to add mine to the collection of them.
Past Redstone Experience: 
The best things I have built are a mini-game where you must throw an egg into a block and if it hits you get a diamond and if it hatches, you get a block of diamond. My other best creation was a big processing machine with command blocks to speed up time or slow it down or change the weather to your choice. Like I said above I also have been working on a monitor. I hope to turn it into a computer which you can fully interact with, but that is still a time away. I hope if I am accepted to build a newer version of my computer to help improve on it. I have been building my computer on the Xbox version of minecraft where some features of redstone have not yet been added. I hope that is this is on the computer version, I could get to making it mor interactive.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
No, not really anything more.
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

Bragger -.-'
But still, a very good application ;)

By Flandyn