Application 3253

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I tryed to find some god creative server and redstone and then i found this one, I watched some youtube video's of the server and pictures. i liked the videos and pictures. i found this server on google when i writed minecraft redstone server. i joined this server therefore so i can build redstone machines whit friends.
Past Redstone Experience: 
One of my best building's is 5x5 piston door and a 35x35 pixel tv whit 80 pictures. I watching and learning redstone by FVDisco, CMDminecraft, codecrafter and redstone invation' youtube videos. i have made a own model of a 5 piston extender.i have made a own, god model of a combination lock. the combination lock works whit whit piston's and xor-gates. when i made a redstone machine do i trying to get it more compact
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
My official language is swedish. i can speak english to but im not so god to write it. I dont swear or lie to pepole. i show respect to pepole.
Application status: 
Not approved


Flandyn's picture

Your doing a way better attemt this time! But still there is things you would have to work on. 1. When we are saying 3 full lines. We are meaning it :/ 2. Your english contains a lot of spelling errors. It is okey, but an application with almost none spelling errors, are more likly to get accepted. Couple of words:
Mutch -> Much, whit -> With, i -> I, tryed -> tried, I watching -> im -> I'm,
Another thing is to capitlize letters.

By Flandyn