posted by maca134
on Thu, 2012-11-08 23:18
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I have completed a few redstone circuits on my own map but want to expand my knowledge of redstone and learn from others.
Past Redstone Experience:
I have made a 3 bit add/subtract calc with a 7-seg display. It has a single 3 x 7-seg display, numbers are entered and stored in a simple 2 x 8 bit memory modules.
The screenshot are 2 different calcs I have made recently on my own MC server.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Well Im a web developer and would always be up for helping other with any issues that I am able to help with.
Application status:
Not approved
Denied because...
In generell this is a good application, though it is a bit short. We are recommending 3 full lines per question, so we could have a full overview over a person. This would help us, when we are starting teaching. I can see that your up on a pretty advanced scale. You are allowed to go into the server. Do /rs and get into the spawn, and then go stright forward follow the signs and go into something called "The Application Helper". I wish you best of luck! And I would hope that you are consider re-applying.