posted by zeokila
on Sat, 2012-11-10 19:38
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Oops. I may have answered to a little of this in the previous question. I would like to join this server because I would like to learn, teach, and socialize with the community. I would like to join the server because it looks like a quality server with a decent community. My redstone knowledge is far from being amazing (so far) but I am hoping to expand it and to then be able to share it with people who where in my current situation.
Past Redstone Experience:
I've never been on any redstone servers before, to be honest, I haven't really had that much experience with redstone, until the last 2 weeks, and I've been fiddling around with redstone alot since then. I recently (yesterday lol) made my first redstone 'calculator' that add's up two 4 bit numbers, and I was very proud of that (all was my design, I'd never seen it done, though I guess it had, except for the adder, I found the full adder on the MC Wiki). Check out my calculator in the link to an imgur gallery.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I'm generally pretty modest, but hey, this is an application, and we have to brag to get selected above others, no? I speak fluent french and english (I've lived a decent amount of years in both countrys), I've always had an interest in computer software (the hardware bit is more recent) and I've taught myself some basic Java, PHP, HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
In real life, I happen to be sporty enough, I swim and play badminton in clubs, and on weekends I sometimes run 10km.
Application status: