Application 3304

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I feel I will be a great addition to this server because I love redstone. I love everything about redstone. I know how to do a lot of redstone creations. I think this server is great and I would learn more about redstone and how I could make things that I don't really know how
Past Redstone Experience: 
A few weeks ago I made a seconds clock that involved rotating wool around and glass. It wasn't extremely hard to build but it took time. I was gonna make a full clock but my world got deleted when I updated my computer. Also I've made self repairing bridge and also a automatic night switch that turns on lights and makes a moat
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I would really love to join this server just to learn more about redstone and redstone creations
Application status: 
Not approved


Flandyn's picture

You are starting with Past Redstone Experience already in Personality. You should have written abilities and skills, speciel about you, what makes you a better candidate etc. At the same time don't use to much commas, try to write full describeful sentences. At the same time write 3 full lines per question. You are on good way on your Past Redstone Experience. but not quite there yet.

You can do /rs or /spawn then go stright out and up to the next floor. You will find an application helper that lots of people finds quite handy. Thank you for applying, and we would love a re-considiration.

Your Beloving Norwegian:

By Flandyn