Application 3306

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
its a new feeling to the safety of my builds as i want to show of my traps but single player is not able to do that. so i wanted a safe, Non-pvp and friendly server that i can build on. :D i liked the fact that this is a MULTIPLAYER server with CREATIVE, a very fast way to build. i always loved tekkit for one reason is that it has bits of tools that can let you fly and build things with a ring like having world edit. And this server is just like tekkit. the creative is the best aspect of this server. :D /hugg to you all.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I've been on a few servers but many were pvp and my buildings were hard to sustain. many would be destroyed and i was not able to get hold of creative.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i love the physics of gravel and cobwebs :) you'll under stand if i build.
Application status: 
Not approved


Flandyn's picture

We are recommending everyone to write 3 full lines per question. At the same time try to focuse to capilize those letters that are supposed to be capilized. And you are missunderstanding the quetion: Describe your personality: You are supposed to write skills, abilities, why you are particular, why we should choose you, and then try to relate it to redstone and/or minecraft.

By Flandyn

You mean *particular, right?

By Overlord_maximus