Application 3353

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to join this server because I am not amazing at redstone. So I decided I want to learn so I can improve my minecraft skills and learn more about the game.... I've got a friend that plays on this server and he said he will teach me (eddalli) . I always wanted to fund a redstone server and finally I think I found quite a good one :) This looks epic and I would like to join and learn ! Please accept me :)
Past Redstone Experience: 
As I said, I only started redstone ... I only know the basics like pistons, lamps and simple things like that I guess... I am going to start learning gates , NOR gates Or gates AND gates and stuff like that.. I am not a professional neither am I that good, I am going to start learning today hopefully... Thank you for reading my application :) I have made lots of buildings three of them that are... An ice castle I always build my statue of my skin and pretty much everything u tell me I can build as long as it's not the Titanic :P
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
No, Just hope I get accepted :)
Application status: 



By Overlord_maximus