posted by SamDamXtreme213
on Sat, 2012-11-24 03:58
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Because i want to build. BUILD. This was the most interesting server yet and i like to interact with people and chat and start conversations but then i realized i couldn't build because i had not started an application until Flandyn helped me along the way for me to find out how i can build. I followed his steps and i feel so great. Only one application that demands perfection and if it's approved, i can build!!!!!! But also i like fancy bright bridges.
Past Redstone Experience:
I sadly never got to build anything because i had not registered and started an application for me to become a builder and build really cool stuff and that's all. But the first experience was pewpew so yeah.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I am really trying to be a builder PLEASE approve.
Application status:
Not approved
Denied, because...
I really don't like braggers. And you are writing a lot of things that doesn't even make sence. We really don't care what you like or hate with your personality. Personality means skills, abilities, what you can do(Put your foot next to you head, is just a waste of time to write) And when you have written that. Please relate it to redstone, relate it to how to make this server better. Relate it to minecraft. That is what we want to se. At the same time. Don't say why you can't build or that you actually can't build. We know that. Tell us why you want to join. Tell us something we didn't know. At the same time actually is interesting. And still when we are saying 3 full lines. We actually do mean it. Good Luck if you are consider re-applying.
Your Beloving Norwegian:
I am taking my time to write you a full review of your applications and that is what you got to say when people gives you a review. This shows that you actually can't handle to get a serius review back. The world outside your house doesn't always say that everything you are doing is the best or it is nice. That is something you probably havn't experiend yet. I am sorry that it would have to be on this server. But for that you can see yourself as banned from the server. Because we don't want people that can't handle critism.