Application 3368

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would really like a good creative server that i can practice and learn more about advanced redstone. I would really like to learn about the logic and computing side of redstone, as i only got up to the beginnings of that on my last redstone server.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Member of The Redstone Development Foundation server for a while, but it seems to have been shut down. I have developed an infinitely high 2x* piston door, not hidden though. began learning ALU before I left the RDF server. Sorry if this does not sound very impressive, I am quite good at redstone machines, just not the logic/computing areas of it yet.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I included an image of my infinite piston door. I know i could do a lot better with it and it looks nooby but its one of the only screenshots i have. Also here are two pics i have of before and after me compacting a button extender. (it was not very good, could probably do better now) And just because i felt like it here is a layer by layer printer that someone challenged me to build. as you can see I didnt even try to compact it or improve it :( Thanks so much guys!
Application status: 


Forgot to mention, I only speak English and I do know most of the logic gates, or can research and learn about them very easily if I dont.

By sirkelly55

Another reason i would like to join this server is that on a lot of other servers i play on i get quite bad server lag, which makes it impossible to do good redstoning. I love this server! I get virtually no server lag!

By sirkelly55
Flandyn's picture

I will approve this since it looks good. Btw. to next time, remember that name and personality doesn't match :P

By Flandyn