posted by Zorori
on Mon, 2012-11-26 00:11

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Admittedly, I'm really not the greatest at redstone circuitry, and I don't think my builds so far are awe-inspiring in the least, but I want to join this server because I really want to improve, and I feel like this is definitely the place to do it. I never really got that deep into redstone before, mostly because I haven't found any places before that are dedicated to redstone like this place. Additionally, I like environments where there's little to no server lag, and where I'm able to work without being disturbed by mobs or unruly players.
Past Redstone Experience:
All of my direct experience so far has come from SMP servers, building farms and transit systems. The largest thing I've done, but definitely not the most advanced, was an iron golem farm replicated from docm's video. The circuitry was really simple, since it was just a pressure plate hooked up to a piston to crush the golems. I also made compact minecart stations that pull you into the stop by pressing a button while passing by. It uses RS-NOR latches to keep the junction changed until you're in the station, after which it resets the junction.
As for experience not directly in Minecraft, I have a degree in Computer Engineering, and I've taken courses in circuits and computer architecture. I want to advance with redstone to the point where I can put those skills to use.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Uh.... I like DDR, Homestuck, and long walks on the beach. I found this place via a Google search, and I really like what I see. :D
Application status: