Application 3376

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I've been lurking for about a week and checking out some of the work on the server and I'm very impressed, both by the high level of mastery exhibited by the people here and the creations themselves.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I last played MC over a year ago and made some cool circuits, but nothing too big or complex. My coolest creation was perhaps the entrance to my castle, which required a 4 digit code entered on a 9-digit "keypad" and then took the visitor in a cart either into my castle or into lava.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I'm a programmer who hasn't done much with electronics, but feel like I'm learning a lot of practical electronic concepts by working with redstone. Would like to learn more, from experts. I'm also a singer and actor from Atlanta, and here's a video of me doing a duet with my eyeballs: Seriously, that's me.
Application status: 
Not approved


Flandyn's picture

1. Please write atleast 3 full lines per question.
2. Link goes in the links section, I did move your link there.
3. Don't try to use commas but try to write full sentences.

By Flandyn