Application 3387

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i would like to join so i can expand my redstone knowledge on things like computers and potato farms. I would like talk to more people who are specialist's in redstone things which this server contains a lot of. I found this server through a moderator named "flandyn". he was advertising the server on a server i played on. I took a look at the server and thought it was good. Just joking i found the server through festiveshane as he recommended it to me and i like what i have seen.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have made things like a extremely compact 4 by 4 flush door which is the second worlds most compact. I have the worlds most compact 10 piston vertical extender which is completely stack able. I often make things like doors and other things for example i have a 3 by 10 flush and seamless door but also a 3 wide tillable block swapper. All of these can be found on my YouTube channel below.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I can speak two different languages, Norwegian and English. i am very good at speaking to people. and i like potato's
Application status: 