Application 3390

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I have recently become interested in redstone when my friend on a different server introduced me to some of the many redstone contraptions he created. I like to teach people and leave them in awe, so I started looking for ways to learn about redstone. I am hoping to learn a lot about redstone here, because it seems like there are some nice helpful people. This server seems like a great opportunity for me to master redstone, and everything it has to offer.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I followed some tutorials, and got some help from others I know. I know some simple logic gates, but I'm not sure how to apply them. I understand basics concepts with redstone, and I can build simple things like a 2x2 door, a mine cart station, clocks, ect. I started my redstone-phase About two weeks ago, but I think I'm picking it up pretty fast. Some other things I've made are, elevators, Piston stairs, auto-farms, and simple traps.
Application status: 