Application 3395

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I don't feel that I am a redstone pro yet, and I want to sharpen my knowledge on computers. I would also like to converse, make friends, help friends build, and maybe even teach some learners the basics.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have been doing redstone for about 7 months now, and I learned lots in those 7 months. I remember when I was just a little redstone duckling, still following his redstone mama(minecraft wiki). I quickly began learning redstone mechanics and logic gates, and soon I was learning binary and how to build computer parts. I have made a 1 Bit ALU (That's what the pictures are below) that has the ADD, AND, OR, and XOR functions. It is fully expandable and you can continue adding functions. I just don't know how to subtract in binary. I also built shift registers with logical left bit rotation. I tried building a calculator the hard way, before I learned how to build an ALU. It was basically a bunch of inputs connected to a decoder then an encoder then to a 7 seg display. I had to put all the possible calculations you can do with 2 2-digit numbers. I decided it would take ages, so I quit on it.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I think the ranking system is a bit unfair, I mean, in order to be promoted to a builder, you have to build a machine that is the best on the server?
Application status: 