posted by jkrasner
on Fri, 2012-11-30 22:28
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I would like to join the redstone server because I want to learn more about building with redstone and other materials. I like learning when it comes to minecraft. I find it fun to be taught by other minecrafters and to also teach other minecrafters.
Past Redstone Experience:
My most recent redstone projects were a stair lock system, an automated rain machine, and a wave genarator. I usually build my redstone creations on single player but I thought it would be fun to change it up a bit and build redstone creations with many others. A lot of the time I will build with my younger brother using LAN.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I hope that I spread tons of joy to the players of the redstone server and learn alot while doing it! :) ~beambot
Application status:
Not approved
extra add-on of application.
I am sorry that you guys don't like my applications so I am expanding it through a comment. I am a great minecrafter and I love playing with others on multiplayer servers. I am a hard worker but all I need to keep up is a little push even if I don't want to do my task. when I am given a task I often struggle and give up but I depend on others to not let me give up and keep trying until I get it right. I am just like most people, just I am, under certain circumstances, have better knowledge of thoughts and emotions. I want to do my best and love what I do know matter what I am doing. I hope you will consider accepting me into this incredible and truly amazing server. ~beambot