posted by hannibal727
on Sun, 2012-12-02 18:47
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
so i can be myself and come up with my own design. Also so i can create things like my dad grolpesh would make. one day i hope to be a better builder than he is, or close enough to his level that i can build with him. I am so bad at building he won't even let me build near his stuff unless it is going to be demolished. I really want to learn more about redston and how it works
Past Redstone Experience:
i don't know much about redstone,and that is the reason i want to join your server so i can get to know it better. i have seen my dad do some very cool things with redstone like make the redstone torches,repeater,pistons, and sticky pistons. I have built little farms where the water comes down and De-roots the crop, it work for these crops.( wheat, carrots, potatoes) doesn't work with sugar cane though.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
i would like to learn more about redstone so i can make some neat things with it. i have been on this server for about 1 hour and have seen no spam or swearing since i have been in chat. Everyone is very nice and they build these very cool things, like shoebobjimmy at X:353.89192 Y:27.378. i dont know what it is but it looks cool with the glow stone and the redstone. Also what does it do?
Application status:
Not approved