posted by GPU
on Sat, 2012-12-08 18:49
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I want to accelerate my understanding and present use of redstone. I have not witnessed the extent of what redstoning possibililites can reach and a completely committed to learning and having a great amount of fun with it. I see things, i do not understand how they operate or work and need to recieve some help.
Past Redstone Experience:
(self taught) 7 segment display, counts down from 9 to 0. runs on a decoder i think ?? ( yeah i dont know all that terminology just yet sorry)
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
um........yeah, im really keen to get in....if that helps :3 and i love your computer you made, i wish one day i can understand how it works and the prinicples of its operation. BLACKFLAN !
Application status:
Not approved