Application 3460

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I love cooperate with people, and in singleplayer I get bored after a short time :( When I build redstone there are often some minor errors and I want to fix these for other people and hope other people will look for minor errors in my system.... Also I want to figure out better designs of structures (e.g T-Flip-Flop) to make my machines faster and better. Basically I hope I am going to land in a place of sharing knowledge (is that how you spell it ?)
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have built a Soccer with villagers a score count and a basic timer. I have build a display to draw on with binary coordinates and worked on attaching my calculator to it. In a project of my friend (a pc), I have build the harddrive and made it ready :D Unforutunatly my pc doesn't want me to upload pictures for some reason :(
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I am a German :D I want to build a "internet" with redstone (with servers, ips , and so on :D ) I hope you will approve me, it would make me really happy :D Kind Regards Timo
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

Why are you writing your age twice. And when did name and age become personality?

By Flandyn

My age twice? IDK :D
And name & age are personality since my english is not the best :O

By iHacker3000