Application 3525

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
This server is a great opportunity for me to show my redstone abilities to the world and get feedback on them. I believe that after several minutes of playing on this server, that the staff are very nice and helpful, but they are also restrictive. This server sounds like the perfect way to meet other redstoners and pool our knowledge to create something great. I am also a learner, so it would be a great way for me to grow in redstone knowledge.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Over the past year, I have continued to grow in redstone knowledge, making me a great part of the Minecraft community. I can recall one past creation of mine, a new design for a BUD switch. When you hook up a fast pulser using repeaters to a piston, and then make it push and pull a block in and out of a redstone torch's way, it creates a strange signal. I hooked that signal up to another piston. To my surprise, the piston did not move. Only when I placed a block next to it, did it move. Now, this may not be the smalles t design in the world, but it did work up until 1.3. I hope I can figure out a cool contraption that will not be patched. :D
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I did not make a video of the creation, for I did not have a Youtube channel back then. I'm sorry. :(
Application status: 