Application 3549

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join the server to learn about other’s projects, and to have a deeper understanding of not only redstone in minecraft but also engineering in real life. I am 17 and I find these things interesting, and in minecraft it is also fun. I also like teaching people about things I fully understand, just because I know everyone has to start somewhere.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I actually took a “minecraft class” at school. Near the end we really started to talk about Redstone and that’s where I learned all the shear basics of “and, or, not” gates and truth tables. Also multiple useful tools such as decoders. After learning the basics, I went persude the subject on my own and taught myself and thought up many things. I want to join the server so I can do it with others instead of by myself. The invention I have most pride on is my Redstone typewriter. More information about it, pictures, and a the world in the link below.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I can’t wait to get started and have fun learning and slaving over projects! To the top rankers on this server I probably am novice, and I realize this, and can’t wait to go up in rank gradually. I also made a connect four board and tic- tac- toe board.
Application status: 