posted by Gbroxey
on Mon, 2012-12-31 22:56

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I'd like to join so that I may learn about the extremely technical side of minecraft: Binary adders, subtracters, computers, etc. I need to understand how they work so I can create more advanced redstone. Maybe build an ALU? I don't know.
Past Redstone Experience:
Well, I am holding a few records in redstone, such as:
1. Smallest Double Extender (vertical non-flush)
2. Very first 3x3 Lamp Door
3. Smallest inf. Expandable, Stackable vertical Piston Extender
4. 2nd. Smallest 4x4 flush door (Challenged by dicotheredstoner. I won. Then he made his smaller.)
I think there's more I can't think of. Anyways, I work with a few popular redstoners frequently (DicoTheRedstoner, KidMischiefHD, RedstoneInnovation) And I have a redstone youtube I do with a friend, with 350+ Subs and growing rapidly.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
RedstoneChickens (the youtube) Is very young, and has quite a bit of subs. Check it out to see my redstoning in action!
Application status: