
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to extend my redstone abitilys and share ideas with other redstoners. It is always good to work as a team and people oftern solve problens together with combined knowledge. I happen to know more about computing and manipulating outputs while some else may be more familiar with the physics of piston doors. Say, we may be able to build a giant cpu or calculator with a creative display. I also love taking part in the minecraft community and sharing my knowledge with others. I'd also like to learn some of the redstone glitches that are hard to find out about like the wireless redstone glitch. (I already know about the bud switch and used it.This server is filled with other great minds from what I saw as a visitor and I fell in love with the server
Past Redstone Experience: 
One redstone device..contraption or whatever is tic tac to board im working on. It includes turn indicator lights for turns, a play and win count, and reset if both agree. Im working on a calculator design ( It eventually will include mult. and div.), Ive built a 24 hour digital clock where you could set the time and alarm time. A potion room where you select the potion and it dispenses ingredients, bottles, and you could add variables. A dispenser storage where you imput what item u want and how much and it gives it to u when u go on the pressureplate.I also made an automated trainstation with one track where you select your route with a manual and auto reset, and it also has a pez dispenser type thing theat gives you a minecart then refills itself. Extra minecarts automatically go down the TRASH CHUTE. Sorry about no links, but I've just started a youtube channel with my minecraft name where Im soon going to post tutorials.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i love redstone.


Flandyn's picture

This person is banned due coping application, aswell as threatning the server, with 2 other accounts.
Because of the threatings I've decided to block his account, to prevent any sort of disturbation.

By Flandyn