posted by j3rmy
on Sun, 2013-01-06 13:40
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I want to join this server because It seems like an excellent place to spread my knowledge of redstone, and learn from others. Last night I joined, and had a wonderful experience on the server, as a visitor. If I join this server, I mostly hope to learn, if people are willing to teach, and grow more in my knowledge of redstone. I also have a few tricks up my sleeve on things I know about redstone.
Past Redstone Experience:
In the past, I remember one of my earliest builds was a digital piston clock, that ran on 4 piston tapes, that held the memory. I've constructed an average 5x5 lamp display, hooked up to display a series of frames, like a short animation, or the Alphabet. I've made my own Rock Paper scissors minigame, and came up with and helped build a Tic-Tac-Toe minigame (neither had AI). Lately, I came up with a way to simplify a machine that controls the amount of levels you can enchant from an enchanting table, and in the latest 13w01b snapshot, I'm trying to make an automatic potion brewing machine, but it's still too buggy.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I would like to mention that yes, this is my second application into the server. This I think shous how much I really want to be able to join the server, and gather with the community and build redstone machines. The last application was thought up on the fly, but I've put more time and effort into this one.
(Subject change) I wish had a place to build redstone contraptions on a friendly server, and this seems like the server for me, so far!
Application status: