Application 3611

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
The most facinating about minecraft is the huge potential, that redstone has. I like to plan and build redstone projects together with other people. Unfortunately the fewest of my friends are interested in huge redstone projects. Therefore i hope to finds some nice people on this server to build with. Moreover I want to share ideas about redstone-machines with other people. I am interested in learning more about redstone-mechanisms. I will study computer sience, so it is a great preparation, because the redstone circuits are comparable with some parts of computer sience. From my point of view redstone could be an intersting beginning for my study.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have basic knowledege in redstone and some in the advanced redstone-mechanisms. I build some big doors with pistons. One of them is ten blocks high and n- blocks wide made of any block u want (moveable). You can move the door at any high you want beetween zero an ten.When it stay still, you will not see any gravel/sand or mechanisms of the door. This is using a compact if-task, wich test if the door has to go up or down. Another project I finished is wich push up objects of the size 6 x n x 11. The first two dimesions can be extended to a immensly higer number, in the moment it is only 6 x 15. The object can be pushed up by (12 - high of object). Ater the object the bottom sinks to a lower niveau, wich you can define. Of course there are other projects I finished in minecraft. With 16 bit computers i did not set apart, yet. However i think this will come with my study. P.S. I am a hobbyprogrammer and understand something of programm structure and optimizing these programms.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
The north/south qirk is really annoying when it comes to timings, but still sometimes usefull.
Application status: 