posted by kibby220
on Fri, 2013-01-11 21:47
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I want to join this server because in knowing the minecraft community is a friendly community, and will teach me lots of different tips about building amazing logical structures, and want to try out these techniques in order to become a better minrcraft player.
Past Redstone Experience:
I have recently made a mini game in which involves mainly pistons and sand+gravel. The sand is on the left at the top and needs to go to the bottom right slot. This involves using pistons to push the sand or gravel into its slots. Once 3 sand and gravel are in there corrosponding slots, you press a button to release the sand and gravel into holes into the ground. Using redstone to see if there are 3 blocks in the holes (by passing a current through the top block) it will release more sand and gravel at the top. But this time are in a mixture. So the sand would be in the left, but in those 5 blocks can also be gravel as well.Once compleated, another current is sent through the top block to see if there is anouther 3 in the hole. When there is, you can have the currenteither to open like a secret door, or have another level.
I have also made a clock which is relatively simple. you have pistons in a 8 shape, andd connect up the pistons with redstone. Using an inverter system, you can choose which pistons to turn on and off. If you have the inverters hooked up to redstone repeaters, you can time by how long you want each second to be.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I am also in to believe the cake is a lie.
Application status: