posted by Pedda
on Sat, 2013-01-12 15:09
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I wan't to join this server because it seems very fun, and i want to share my builds with other people, I found it by searching on google and i went on it and noticed that the admins was very kind and was glad to help me with this application. I'm also building a custom map and wan't to build things so i can build them in the cutom map later, as a prototype to copy in to my singleplayer world and then lay it up on mediafire and minecraf forum
Past Redstone Experience:
I've made farms in general. a lot of the things are good and useful but the most fun was a player trap that uses the promoxity meter of mobs, and redstone. When you are in 32 blocks range, tnt will go off and kill you. The best part of the trap is that its invisible for the player and the redstone go off immediatley. I used pistons, redstone, repeaters and spawn eggs. It was made in 30 july 2012. Sethbling made a video of it but with pistons instead.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I talk swedish, english and french (not fluid french)
Application status: