Application 3634

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I'm interested in inspecting other peoples creations first-hand to see if there are any new techniques I hadn't known or thought of to employ in my future designs/creations. I also have a number of rather large and impractical creations (by impractical, I mean creations not fitted for PvP Faction survival which I normally play and employ my devices in) which I've thought up over time but didn't have the inclination to create them in Single Player, for lack of interest in creating something that which other people might not see.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have a lot of experience with practical applications for redstone out of creative mode, as well as I've from time to time created larger devices. Before coming into Minecraft I had no experience with circuitry and logic gates, and I've for the most part self taught myself most of which I know. Consequently, although I'm highly familiar with the technical aspects for the Logic Gates and other such things related to circuitry, I hardly know any of the official terms given to them in relation to what I know, so when it comes to explanations - either to someone else, or myself listening to one - I typically understand things better upon inspecting the designs firsthand.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Concerning my play time, as I don't know if it's essential or not for a certain kind of playtime, I play Minecraft a fair bit when I'm interested in it, but there have been large gaps of time - months sometimes - where I've fallen out of it and do other things. In this case, I imagine I'll be fairly immersed in my creations here for some time, but I can't say I'll be permanently consistent. But I guess, who can ever truly claim that and know for certain? Anywho, I believe that's the gist of it.
Application status: 