Application 3649

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join this server for many reasons. I'd like to get to know more people, I play on some other servers but have been looking for another for quite some time, and this one seems pretty cool. I'd also like to expand my redstone skills, I know the basics like triple extenders and hipster doors and whatnot, but maybe I can learn some other stuff like ALU and RAM. One more reason I'd like to join is to share my designs and work with others to make new stuff. I think I have some decent stuff to bring to the server, and would be a worthy addition.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I currently play on two other redstone servers, MineVille and Cubehamster's server, and on both I have been promoted to some sort of rank (Builder on mineville, member on cube's) for my redstone knowledge. I got into redstone about 6 months ago, and now it is probably the only reason I still play minecraft, along with survival multiplayer. My BEST creation is my hipster wall. Like a hipster door, but it extends from the wall. I haven't worked on compacting yet, but I have a working prototype in multiplayer, and I might try and make it expandable. My FAVORITE redstone creation is my MS paint program, using 4 way shift registers and whatnot. My BIGGEST redstone creation is not actually finished, but it is an iMac currently in development. It will feature a main menu, 225 pixel display (pixels are 2x2) calculator (Add, sub, mult, div) MS paint, a printer (for MS paint) a Tic tac toe game, some movies and of course, a sleep mode. That is currently in development on Cube's server, and the MS paint is the next task.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Application status: 


I vouch for m00ts <3

By MrAdminJake