Application 3661

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I like this server the best of all the servers I have looked at. I would like to join this server because I would like to learn more with Redstone by Interacting with other players. I also would like to teach people how to make my creations, and work on a16 bit fast cpu with no edge triggered d flip flop program counters, with a square root faction, with a faster divider, and with no remanders.
Past Redstone Experience: 
i built a redstone 5 bit cpu with 4 digit display. Tthe program counter uses egde trigger d flip flops also has a branching command with 3 bits of ob code. The commands include branch, add, save, subtract, load, and clear. the io system includes an input thats in basic. it can store up to 6 numbers unfortunately it is really slow. The aluuses falling egde trigger d flip flops as registers which go into two mox gates, then to the adder/subtracter and then back to the d flip flops Sorry I can't give links to pictures because of compluter glich. Is there an email II could send pictures to?
Application status: 