posted by linnaeakidd
on Sun, 2013-01-20 09:45

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I found this server by searching for redstone dedicated servers, and (luckily) this was the best one I found. I have built lots of redstone in single player, and all of my real-world friends don't like redstone nearly as much as me, so they aren't nearly as interested in creating minecraft inventions as I. I want to be part of a redstone community, where I can learn how to do things I couldn't before and possible teach some things. I want a server that is filled with dedicated minecraft redstoners, and I'm very sure that I found it. I want to show people what I can do, but mostly learn how things work. I want to play on this server because it is redstone only, and I haven't ever been on one before.
Past Redstone Experience:
I've searched through countless wiki articles and videos about redstone and its mechanics, and I still feel the best way for me to learn how to use it to my best abilities is to be in a community of people who feel the way I do. I copy many redstone creations to get a general undestanding of how the mechanics work, so I can take piece of that to put into my costom creations. I understand how repeaters, redstone and redstone torches all go together, and I'm quite interested in torch delay. I've beaten sethbling's redstone map, and I constantly dissect redstone-based minecraft maps so I can learn more about its inner workings. I'm good with hidden doors and traps, along with pvp traps and cannons.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I speak only english, but I understand basic bits of french, spanish, and swedish. I'm a honest, dedicated player who just wants a place to explore the wonderful world of minecraft.
Application status: