Application 3683

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i want to join as it seems a good place a nice play to be from my expernice freindly staff nice people helpfull players :D it seems a great place to be i would love to get stuck in with the redstone fun :). It would be great to play with other people who are dedicated to redstone i play very often talented builder but its all about redstone and always will be :D
Past Redstone Experience: 
Every creative server is redstone its good to find a server deicated redstone i have 90+ worlds with personal inventions from full working slot machines to real life clocks to a scientific calculator to naughts and crosses to a fail of a afk machine :D
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I dont video my work or screenshot it sorry about that however i dont realy like to show my work incase anyonehates that would affect my self asteem bad.
Application status: 
Not approved