Application 3698

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I appreciate that this server is like one big community. Everyone is there for one another. I can already tell that I will be treated as family once I join the server. With a family, however, comes responsibility. I know that I wont be able to just get on the server, and make any creation I want, and destroy other peoples works. I will need to be cautious with what I build, and always ask for permission to edit or change somebody else's creation. I will always ask for help when I need it, in order to keep the server clean and safe. I will follow the Golden Rule of doing to others, as I would have them do to me.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I am an active member of the server The basic purpose of this is a large transportation service, rapid transit, that is purely powered by redstone. : ) It is very difficult to explain, unless you see it with your own eyes. 0_0 Other than this, however, I am not very good with redstone. I would rate myself a three on a one to ten scale.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I enjoy the fact of a growing community in a minecraft server. I was right a way struck by the complexity of the creations redstone server users have made. I like the fact that it is not just a boring server, just like every other server seems to be. But instead a server with variety, and meaning built within.
Application status: 