Application 3748

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I like playing with redstone, i wanna get better and work on projects, show them off, have help. its just alot better then single player creative. lol. and i really just had the urge to go play around with it today, figured id search for a server like this. found this one, found out info, and now im applying :D!
Past Redstone Experience: 
Ive played around with doors, obby generators, self generating house, elevators, but nothing to complicated that needed exact times on repeaters and stuff, nothing like noteblocks, calculators, etc. eerrrmm... i just always liked playing around with redstone i guess, uhhhh, YEA! <-- 3rd line ;D
Application status: 
Not approved